Turning the Page

David Rush


Well here we are again. We’ve emerged from lockdown to move directly into our year-end festivities. And, by the way, completely unsure whether it’s just a “Holidays” holiday, or if we can actually begin to move forward again. I know that I feel emotionally exhausted by the on-again-off-again experience we are having in the wake of Covid regulations. Indeed, I needed to pull my head in and wait the lockdown out.

But contraction is always followed by expansion, and some ideas have been taking shape that I hope will be helpful as we shift into the new year. I’d like to be able to announce them now, but all the arrangements with studios haven’t been finalized yet. I hope to have more to say in a week, maybe less.

I’m writing this week because The Yoga Hub/Swords has re-opened their doors, and I will be offering a Wednesday night Hot class from 1930-2030 from 2 December. That’s tomorrow as I write, and hopefully today as you read this! I would have passed on word of this sooner, but the studio only asked me to come back yesterday. In the same vein, Hot Yoga Dublin & Yoga Next Door have organized things so that we can have more people in-studio to practice. Please check in with your booking apps for al the details.

All of which makes my regular teaching schedule look like the following:

 What  Where  When 
 Wednesday Hot Yoga  The Yoga Hub  Wednesday 1930-2030 
 Thursday Night Yin  Hot Yoga Dublin & Yoga Next Door  Thursday 1930-2030 
 Sunday Night Candlelight  Hot Yoga Dublin & Yoga Next Door  Sunday 1930-2100 

And I would very much love to see you all again. It’s really been a hard run through the autumn for all of us. Let’s take this opportunity to practice together while we have it, even as we prepare for our winter holidays with friends and family.

Om Shanti

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