Embody Flow and Fly!David Rush |
Om Shanti
It’s been a frantically busy few months since I last sent you word of my activities. Mind you, it’s not been for lack of activity, quite the opposite in fact. In fact, it’s a little ironic that directly after I wrote about “householder yoga” that my day-job and teaching commitments overflowed to the point where I was hardly ever at home. Be that as it may, my customer is no longer grumpy, their project has been put into live production in London and Singapore, and I get a little bit of room to breathe again.
So I took a week off to take an immersion/training in Embodied Flow with Tara Judelle. For those of you who have never heard of her, Tara is my other favorite international teacher, and it’s been a couple of years since I was last able to train with her. It was challenging both physically and emotionally, but also very satisfying to see her take on ideas that I have recently been trying to bring into my own teaching. I will be working to integrate some of her insights into my classes as we go forward.
One thing, in particular stands out, partly because I have written on the topic before, and partly because it helps make clear just how much more there is to yoga asana than a fitness program/method/technique. It is Embodied Flow principle five: Flow is the streaming of moment-to-moment presence
The ultimate aim of our practice is to remain fully alive and present in the unobstructed ease of here and now. This is our birthright. ... we initiate the process of calling home all those parts that have been scattered between the past and the preconceived future, creating a safe space...to fully arrive into the next moment
And that’s all that I have to share with you now. Oh there’s some practical odds and ends, perhaps the most notable is that I have stepped away from teaching at Strongbodies. But I have also finally finished both an blog post about home practice and a podcast on the subtle body. I hope you might find them helpful as you work your way to spend more time in the State of Flow.
Shanti OM
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.