First Light of 2021David Rush |
Happy Holidays to you!
Ever since the early noughties, a practice that I call “The Long Watch” has been part of my year-end celebration. Basically, I spend the time from sunset on the Winter Solstice through to the next sunrise getting ready for the next year. It doesn’t have a set plan, but I usually start by Christmas prep with the family, but as everyone heads off to bed, I move into my own practices: movement (usually asana), journalling, meditation, vision casting, and goal setting. Somewhere around 0400 things tend to get a little bit magical, as I have usually shifted over to just candles for light as well. Finally I try to get outside to greet the New Rising Sun, but that can be very dependent on the weather here.
While it does leave me wrecked the next day (It is a long night), it also feels really good to take such a deep dive into my personal dharma. It’s also a huge help for me in the madness round of holiday celebration, because I get in touch again with what and why I am personally celebrating, so I don’t feel like I am getting lost in a sea of faces.
This year, I wanted to share a bit of this practice with a "First Light" workshop from 0630-0800 on the 22nd. I know this is a bit of a late notice for it, but – like so many of us – reaching out publicly has been a real struggle for me since the October lockdown. But I feel like it is time to set all of that aside, and give 2020 a loving invitation to leave because 2021 is about to show up. Hot Yoga Dublin & Yoga Next Door are hosting the practice with very limited in-studio “pods of one”, if you want to join us in person, but the workshop was designed to work primarily as an online practice with
Either in-studio or online, I would very much love to see you all again. Details for registration, Zoom links &cet are all on the Hot Yoga Dublin & Yoga Next Door Workshops web page, or you can directly use the booking link
Shall we greet the New Year together? One way or another we certainly will! Looking forward to seeing you again in 2021 with much love
– D
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.