Class Prospectus

My theme for teaching in 2018 is "One Step Deeper". This is a personal goal as well as a practical goal for my teaching practice. Within the context of my teaching practice, it means finding ways to help students move further on the path of Self-realization by expanding their capabilities in the practice of asana. But there's also a little more: helping students to understand that asana is just one part of the eight-fold practice of Raja Yoga, and encourage them to carry on with the practices that help bring strength, stability, and flexibility to the mind and soul.

Of course, this focus has to be brought into a practical manifestation, and there are many different ways of teaching available at this moment in history. During 2017, I used my teaching blog and podcast to provide supplementary material on topics which did not fit well into the usual class structure. I received much positive feedback, and will continue this into 2018; however, the pressures of my day-job in the software industry make it difficult to maintain a production schedule that can be called anything other than "erratic". To improve on this situation I am actively seeking additional opportunities to teach in longer formats: 75-90 minute classes, on a regular basis as well as multi-class thematic series; and longer (two to three hour) workshops. The ideas which I am currently developing are detailed via the links below.
