“Namaste”, My Cyber-Kula

David Rush

Now that I have a platform, I guess I might as well use it. Bog knows that I have no motivation left today for either my day job, my thesis project, my studio, catching up on the yoga video backlog, or really anything other than just talking into the void, which actually turns out to be kind of fun. I can use all the run-on sentences I want and I lose no marks!

But I do want to try and find some words to go with a thought that has been rumbling around in my heart for a while, because I am supremely grateful for all of you from the Dublin (and wider) yoga community. Your careful and patient efforts – on the mat and off the mat – to patiently improve yourselves is a constant inspiration to me. Falling out of warrior 3? Not a problem. Can’t touch the floor at 0700 (in the morning)? Just bend over and hang there a while instead. There is a very attractive grace manifest in our practice based on that core principle of ahimsa.

I’m not going to go into that here, nor am I suggesting that any of you out there “have arrived” and and never crabby, bitchy, or even outright angry. I’m just saying that your conduct in that quiet place that we have set aside together helps to remind me of how I aim to be, even when I’m crabby, bitchy - but well, probably not so much if I get all the way to angry. I’m still working on that (just like my own personal nemesis: vrksasana.

So anyway, thank you for the inspiration to keep trying, even when I fall down. It’s very different from the way that failure is approached in the Judeo-Christian tradition, where there is the notion that an individual’s failure damages others - and therefore requires atonement and/or restitution. I’ll probably have more to say about that in a later post, but here I just want to say it again: Thank You.

“Namaste”, O Cyber-Kula

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.